Worried about someone?
This form is for reporting a concern about a current University Accommodation Wellington resident and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Once submitted, a staff member will review the information within two (2) business days - Monday to Friday and take appropriate action, which may or may not include contacting the student, you, and any witnesses identified.
If you have questions about a report you filed, or if you would like to make this report by phone to one of our hall staff, please call us on the phone numbers below.
This form is monitored Monday - Friday, 9am – 5pm.
**Does the person(s) you are creating this report for pose a threat of harm to themselves or others?
If yes, please call the emergency services immediately on 111, followed by the relevant hall’s duty phone number: **
- 222 Willis Apartments: 022 016 9922
- Boulcott Hall: 021 285 4743
- Capital Hall: 022 563 3720
- Cumberland House: 027 563 4770
- Education House: 027 522 9098
- Everton Hall: 04 472 0655
- Joan Stevens Hall: 021 966 834
- Katharine Jermyn Hall: 022 563 9080
- Kelburn Flats (including Whānau and Pasifika Housing): 027 520 0412
- Te Puni Village: 027 563 9220
- Victoria House: 027 440 9249
- Weir House: 027 563 3700
- Whānau Mārama Apartments: 022 014 2036
Please note that in most cases we are UNABLE to provide an update to the person/s lodging this report due to privacy and confidentiality.
All reports are directed to our University Accommodation Wellington Management team.
Thank you for helping us support students who are having a tough time in our community.